Pro Installer November 2017 - Issue 56 | Page 10

10 | NOVEMBER 2017 News STAY SECURE AS DARK NIGHTS DRAW IN IronmongeryDirect, which has been supplying architectural ironmongery to tradespeople for over 40 years, issued a new guide as part of National Home Security Month. It offers advice to tradespeople on how to secure property using traditional security methods. Basic guide to securing a property A recent survey of 733 trades- people by IronmongeryDirect found that 86% said their custom- ers only asked them to fit secu- rity products after a break-in to their property. At the same time, research by the National Home Se- curity Month campaign shows that a home is five times more likely to be burgled if no security measures are in place against those with two or three measures taken. Certain areas of a property are more vulnerable to a break-in than others, with doors and windows obviously being the most suscep- tible, while dark areas outside provide the ideal cover for intrud- ers. To address these vulnerabil- ities, there are various products available to help keep a building safe and secure, with an extensive range available from Ironmongery- Direct. Main entry doors According to the Office of National Statistics (ONS), forc- ing locks is the second highest method of entry for burglars (with open or unlocked doors being the primary means). So, it’s no sur- prise that the IronmongeryDirect survey revealed that 64% of trades- people scored door locks as the most effective way of securing a building, and 72% said door locks are the most popular security product they fit for customers. External timber doors are best secured with a mortice lock, and the addition of a nightlatch gives an added measure of protec- tion. Products vary in price but all should meet British Standard BS3621. PVCu doors are commonly used for front and back entrances on properties, which feature a Euro Profile cylinder that works in conjunction with a multipoint lock. The cylinders should meet British Standard BSEN1303 and feature anti bump, pick, screw and drill protection, making them very difficult to be broken. For maxi- mum security however, cylinders that are T S007 3 star rated, which is the industry approved standard, offer complete door security fea- turing anti bump, drill, pick, pull and snap protection. Windows The survey found that 67% of tradespeople said their customers were concerned about window security, with window locks being the second most popular security measure they fit for customers. There’s a wide range of window locks available including locking and non-locking fasteners, locking bolts and pins, and window re- strictors, all designed for different applications. External boundaries and dark areas The two most popular methods of securing external boundaries and dark areas around a property are security lighting and CCTV. In fact, almost a third of tradespeople responding to the Ironmongery- Direct survey said that securi- ty lighting was the third most popular product they fitted for customers. CCTV is no longer as expensive as it used to be and with addition- al features such as night vision, it is an effective security method. Furthermore, with the increasing number of people embracing smart security systems to link their locks, alarms, smoke detectors and so on it is now possible to inte- grate CCTV as an extra precaution, whereby users can view a live feed from the cameras on a smart- phone or tablet using an app. Outbuildings and garden A report from the ONS revealed there were 730,000 thefts from gardens and outhouses between April 2015 and March 2016, equat- ing to 2,000 each day. With that in mind, the same door, gate and window lock prin- ciples should apply when it comes to securing outbuildings and gardens. Additionally, during the summer people are more likely to leave belongings such as barbe- ques in their garden overnight, so securing them using a heavy-du- ty padlock and chain can help reduce the risk of valuable items being taken. Gateways Usually positioned at the side or back of a home, a gateway makes for an easy entrance for potential intruders if not secured properly. A sturdy gate bolt fitted with a weather proof padlock for instance is an ideal way to prevent easy access, but strong hinges are also required to ensure it can’t be easily broken down. Wall spikes can also be used to deter climb- ing on walls and gates to prevent access to other property entry points. For more information, visit or call its team of specialist advisors on 0808 168 28 28.