Pristine Panorama Second Term 2019 | Page 82

TED-Ed Club

Discover, Create, Innovate, Celebrate!

This year, the TED-Ed Club program was continued in the second term to support students in discovering, exploring and presenting their big ideas in the form of short, TED style talks. In the TED-Ed sessions, students worked together to discuss and celebrate creative ideas. Students follow a fixed curriculum that guides their thought process and helps inspire tomorrow's TED speakers and leaders.

Brainstorming sessions allowed students to think of topics related to social or global issues such a Women Empowerment, Education, Global crises, poems and other content. They shared their viewpoints and received feedback from their peers and student mentors. Students especially enjoyed the advice they received from their seniors on the devices and strategies needed to design their talks in an appealing and interesting manner.

The TED-Ed club offers a brilliant opportunity for students to discover their inherent talents and Dream Big! It aims at discarding their scales of inhibition and moulds them into confident speakers. Wait for the final TED-Ed talks published at the start of the next academic year!