Print Works! Print Works! Fall 2015 | Page 44

print Works !

Power of Print : 88 % say it ’ s better than screens for understanding , retaining and using information .

by Phil Riebel , president of Two Sides North America

In the past three years , Two Sides has featured several articles , studies , blogs and news items highlighting the social benefits of print and paper when it comes to learning , literacy , comprehension and retention of information . We captured many of the key messages in our fact sheet , “ Print and Paper Play a Key Role in Learning and Literacy .”

But we still had questions about how people interact with print , especially given our increasing digital focus and the growing hours we spend every day reading from screens ( including computers , tablets and smartphones ):
Do people now prefer reading on screens ? At what point and for what applications is paper preferred ? What do people prefer when it comes to learning , especially complicated materials ? What does the younger generation prefer ?
To get the answers , we teamed up with our UK colleagues and global polling firm Toluna in early 2015 and launched a new consumer survey in the UK and the U . S . The survey covered age groups ranging from 18 to over 65 years old .
FIGURE 1 : I understand and can retain or use information better when I read ( Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements ): the National Paper Trade association
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