Print Works! Print Works! Fall 2015 | Page 20

By the Numbers

751 million : Number of forested acres in the United States , about one-third of the country . Privately owned forests supply 91 percent of the wood harvested , while state and tribal forests contribute about 6 percent , and federal forests supply 2 percent .
3.2 million : Number of trees planted each day in the United States , according to a 2012 report from the U . S . Forest Service .
photography by Michael & Christa Richert the National Paper Trade association
20 percent : Increase in the number of trees in the United States compared to the nation ’ s first Earth Day more than 40 years ago .
56 percent : Proportion of U . S . forests that are privately owned , much of it by family forest owners who manage their lands to provide value to future generations .
10 pounds : Amount of carbon dioxide that a single tree can absorb each year .
10 percent : Offset in the nation ’ s carbon dioxide emissions stored each year by the nation ’ s forests and forest products .
20 percent : Timberland in the U . S . certified to reputable third parties that comply with sustainable forest management and procurement principles .
$ 210 billion : Approximate value of the forest products industry ’ s annual production , which is about 4 percent of the nation ’ s manufacturing gross domestic product .
900,000 : People employed in the industry .
$ 50 billion : Annual industry payroll .
15 miles : Length of a train that would be needed to carry the amount of paper that U . S . papermakers recycle every day .
37 percent : Amount of fiber that comes from recovered paper that is used to make new paper products .
96 percent : Proportion of Americans who had access to community curbside or drop-off paper recycling programs in 2014 .
76 percent : Growth in U . S paper recovery since 1990 , when the paper industry established its first recovery goal to advance recycling .
Source : American Forest & Paper Association
continued from page 18 campaign funded by a check-off program to increase appreciation for paper and paper-based packaging , reduce guilt about using the products and deepen understanding of the industry ’ s environment-friendly practices .
“ The Paper & Packaging – How Life Unfolds ” campaign integrates traditional media , including 30-second commercials , print advertising showcasing paper and packaging items , as well as a digital presence .
“ It ’ s important that people know we have high-tech jobs , sustainable practices and lead in manufacturing innovation , but the best way to talk directly to consumers about the unique attributes of products we make is to connect with them about the role these products play in their lives ,” said John Williams of Domtar , the board ’ s chairman .
Pitts said the industry needs to counter-balance the perception that paper is wasteful .
“ Companies used to spend money promoting individual brands … ‘ our brand is better than their brand ,’” he said . “ Now we ’ re promoting the fact that paper is good , and you can feel good about using it .
“ The industry depends on the demand for our product , and that ’ s what this campaign is all about .”
Pitts ’ organization researched different populations and found that the all-important millennial demographic values print and paper .
“ They can ’ t imagine a world without it ,” he said . “ That surprised our researchers , who asked if we really wanted to survey that group .
“ We said absolutely because they are the future buyers of paper .” PW !
“ The Paper & Packaging – How Life Unfolds ” campaign integrates traditional media , including 30-second commercials , print advertising showcasing paper and packaging items , as well as a digital presence .
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