primary-school-admissions | Page 28

Dormers Wells Infant School Dormers Wells Lane, Southall UB1 3HX 020 8574 6999 [email protected] Nursery: Yes l Breakfast club: No l Afterschool club: No DfE No: 307/5203 Type of school: Foundation Headteacher: Angela Briggs Age range: 3-7 Planned admission number at 4 years: 120 Admissions criteria How places were offered in 2017 The below criteria has been summarised, for the full admissions policy and arrangements please visit the school website: Where the number of applications is greater than the planned admission number, applications will be considered against the criteria set out below. After the allocation of children with an EHC plan, the admission criteria will be applied in the following order of priority: 1. Children in Public Care – children taken into Public Care via section 20 or 38 of the Children’s Act. Looked after children or children who were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, child arrangements order, or special guardianship order. 2. Where the child has a sibling currently attending Dormers Wells Infant School or Junior School and the sibling will still be in attendance at applicant’s admission. Sibling refers to: brother or sister, half brother of sister, adopted brother or sister, step brother or sister, or the child of the parent/carer’s partner, and in every case, the child should be living in the same family unit at the same address. 3. Confirmed special medical reason, which necessitates attendance at Dormers Wells Infant School. Parents must provide a supporting letter or report from a Consultant (not General Practitioner) (GP) explaining why education should be at Dormers Wells Infant School. 4. Exceptional social circumstances (circumstances must relate to the child and be supported by a Consultant’s or Social Worker’s letter). 5. Proximity to the school is measured by comparing the distance from home to school by walking route using public highways, but excluding all footpaths and common land. Measurement will be taken from the main gate on Dormers Wells Lane to the applicant’s address. Distances are measured using an electronic map measurer. 28 Starting Primary School 2018 Admissions criteria Offers made on national offer day Criteria 1 to 5 All applicants offered Waiting lists Your child will be placed on a waiting list if no place is available at the time of application. Length of time on a waiting list does not give any priority. Places are offered according to the over- subscription criteria. Nursery admissions Applications for nursery are made directly to the school. Please visit the school website for information on nursery admissions: For detailed information about the school please visit the school website: