Pride Houston® By-Laws 11.03.2015 | Page 12

Pride Houston ® By -­‐ Laws Voted in November 03 , 2015
n .
Mentor possible future Production Team Committee Chairs .
o .
Submit a final written report , detailed the Production Team Committee ’ s work for the year .
p .
Have fun and create a positive volunteer experience .
q .
Perform other related duties as needed as it pertains to their Production team Committee .
5.01 Establishment of Board Committees The Board of Directors may adopt a resolution establishing one or more board of director committees delegating specified authority to a board committee , and appointing or removing members of a board committee . Each board committee shall include three ( 3 ) or more Board of Directors or Ex -­‐ Officio Board of Directors . The Board of Directors may establish qualifications for membership on a committee . The Board of Directors may delegate to the Vice President of the specified committee its power to appoint and remove members of a committee that has not been delegated any higher authority by the Board of Directors . The establishment of a committee or the delegation of authority to it shall not relieve the Board of Directors , or any individual director , of any responsibility imposed by the Bylaws or otherwise imposed by law .
No Committee shall have the authority of the Board of Directors to :
a .
Amend the articles of incorporation .
b .
Adopt a plan of merger or a plan of consolidation with another corporation .
c .
Authorize the sale , lease , exchange , or mortgage of all or substantially all of the property and assets of the
Corporation .
d .
Authorize the voluntary dissolution of the Corporation .
e .
Revoke proceedings for the voluntary dissolution of the Corporation .
f .
Adopt a plan for the distribution of the assets of the Corporation .
g .
Amend , alter , or repeal the bylaws .
h .
Elect , appoint , or remove a Director or officer of the Corporation .
i .
Approve any transaction to which the Corporation is a party and that involves a potential conflict of
interest as defied in Article 8 below .
j .
Take any action outside the scope of authority delegated to it by the Board of Directors .
5.02 Authorization of Specific Committees The Board of Directors shall define the activities and scope of authority of each committee by resolution . The President and Executive Vice President may be , at their election , a member of any committee . There shall be , but not limited to the following committees : a . Executive Committee : The Executive Committee shall be composed of the officers of the Corporation . The Executive Committee shall be responsible for conducting Board affairs in the intervals between meetings , dealing with matters of urgency that may arise between Board meetings , and coordinating the annual performance review of the Directors . The Executive Committee shall meet at the discretion of the President . b . Nomination and Selection Committee : The Nomination and Selection Committee shall be composed of the officers of the Corporation . The Nomination Committee shall be responsible for coordinating the nomination and selection of Board Members and the Executive Director . Final approval of any Board members and / or the Executive Director resides with a majority vote of the Board of Directors . c . Strategic Planning Committee : The Strategic Planning Committee shall be composed of all members of the board of directors . The Strategic Planning Committee shall be responsible for the short and long term goals of the Corporation . The Strategic Planning Committee shall be responsible for proposing revisions and amendments to the by -­‐ laws of the Corporation . The Strategic Planning Committee shall coordinate its goals of Marketing , Development , Public Relations and Operations .
5.03 Term of Office Each member of a committee shall continue to serve on the committee until the next annual meeting of the Board