Price Chopper Gatherings Gatherings Healthy 2017 | Page 12

Healthy Breakfast Habits

We have all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day . The health benefits range from kick starting your metabolism to improving mood , memory and increasing attention span . Students who eat breakfast , perform better at school , have better concentration and have the energy to make it through the day . When you eat breakfast , you are more likely to consume lower calories throughout the day . Your body works more effectively when you eat throughout the day and don ’ t let yourself get overly hungry . Research has shown people who do not eat breakfast are at a higher risk to be overweight , which leads to a higher risk for other diseases , such as heart disease and diabetes . Getting kids to start eating breakfast at a young age has also been shown to improve overall healthy eating habits throughout life .
Clearly Organic offers a wide range of organic products that are great tasting and good for your family , at a value price ! Look for these breakfast foods , plus more in your PRICE CHOPPER aisles ! Here are some tips and suggestions to get your day started off with a nutrient pack breakfast .
• Breakfast is a great way to get fiber Organic Steel Cut Oats are great options . rich foods : whole grain toast , fresh fruit or Clearly Organic oatmeal and Clearly
• Eating fruits and vegetables at each meal will help you get your 5 + servings per day , so make sure to grab a banana , apple or some Clearly Organic 100 % fruit or vegetable juice ( keep juice to a 4 oz serving ).
• Most people say they are too busy to eat in the morning . Breakfast is the easiest meal to grab on the go . Whole grain cereal and Clearly Organic skim milk or soy milk , low fat Greek yogurt and fresh berries , low sugar granola bar , whole grain breakfast bar and fresh fruit can be eaten quickly or at your desk !
• Get those veggies ! Use Clearly Organic eggs to make an omelet or egg sandwich and add spinach , tomatoes , mushrooms or peppers .
• Shake it up ! Breakfast smoothies
are easy to make and can contain fresh , Clearly
Organic frozen or can fruits . Add
protein with a scoop of protein powder , Greek
yogurt or Clearly Organic peanut
butter or Clearly Organic Almond Butter .
Add extra nutrients with Clearly Organic Chia Seeds or Flaxseeds .