Previews Restless Echoes by Mai Griffin | Page 27

Restless Echoes Peg thanked the children for collecting and washing up all the coffee cups. Andy, eager to rush away to explore, looked back and said that the Kitchen Lady had done it. Being busy, Peg didn’t follow up his flippant remark – it sounded like a joke anyway. It wasn’t until other odd things happened, and the children exchanged puzzled glances when censured, that she began to worry.” Dave related the incident they had already heard from Gavin. He and Peg were astonished when the child’s toy was found on a high shelf in the airing cupboard, which even he could only just reach. “Could your son, or one of the little girls, have thrown it up there?” Polly asked. Dave said they had thought of that, but it was so carefully placed that it seemed unlikely. The three children spoke of the Kitchen Lady naturally – taking it for granted that their parents were aware of her presence. Polly acknowledged that it must have been disturbing but was eager to hear why they were now even more uneasy about the apparent haunting. Had something bad happened? “Well,” Dave shook his head, “nothing really bad, but if anyone with a weak heart sees what Pete and I have seen, it could be serious.” He spoke quietly, sticking to the facts, obviously trying not to sensationalise. “Every evening, about half an hour after the kids go to bed, Peg goes up to check that all is in order and lights are out but, when Pete took over one night, he heard the rumbling sound of an animal growling. Halfway up the stairs, he froze. When he decided he’d imagined it, he went on to the landing.” With a shudder, Dave paused and quaffed a few 26