Previews Restless Echoes by Mai Griffin | Page 10

Mai Griffin 2. At Home Sarah Grey had carried on walking to the garden, when Polly indicated that the phone call was not for her, but she’d heard the beginning of the conversation. She understood Polly’s concern, but she really must have a word with her – the terrible time was well past! The last few years had actually been enjoyably quiet, and Sarah had again settled into her bridge mornings, dinners with friends and catching up on books unread. Perhaps it was time to stop being so self-indulgent. They had just enjoyed a visit from Clarinda and her husband Del, who preferred staying for weekends rather than making one-day round-trips on busy roads. Having time with the baby was such a joy – especially as Emma was just beginning to talk. They lived only forty miles away, so it was not too far for Polly to drive when they needed a change of scene, or to babysit on rare occasions when Clarinda’s painting commissions took her away from home for several working days. Their pet dachshund was a great help on such occasions; he lay on the mat outside the nursery door and rushed to bark the house down as soon as Emma stirred. As much as she loved the family, Sarah enjoyed her quiet life at home. The gentle exercise of weeding the rockery for an hour in the afternoon sunshine calmed 9