Previews Haunting Echoes by Mai Griffin | Page 6

Haunting Echoes 1 – Clarrie Clarinda Hunter did not normally mind being watched as she worked, but the two small boys were beginning to get on her nerves. She had chosen to set up her easel where it was hidden from the road by the rising ground behind her. As there was woodland on each side it was just bad luck that they saw her painting. The boys had suddenly burst out from the trees, in hot pursuit of an excitedly yapping dog… goodness only knew what the terrier was chasing, but they both forgot it completely when they almost knocked Clarrie off her stool. “Wow – are you a real artist?” asked the older boy “What are you painting, please miss?” queried the other, quite politely. They seemed, on first impressions, to be harmless enough so Clarrie answered both questions and a stream of others. Surely, she thought, they’ll soon be bored and move on. Optimistically, she reminded them about the dog, but they were totally disinterested in it. She was a far more promising substitute. Before their intrusion, Clarrie had been at work for only an hour, so there was very little on her canvas for them to criticise, but they were following every brushstroke and competing with each other, guessing what was coming. Clarrie could not remember ever before being so disconcerted by casual onlookers and was at a loss to understand why their comments bothered her. Clarrie’s gaze returned to the view. On this side of 5