Previews Haunting Echoes by Mai Griffin | Page 20

Haunting Echoes 3 – Clarrie Mrs Lynch had obviously been waiting to pounce on Clarrie when she returned last night, but with the kindest intentions. She wanted to know what time to make breakfast. “We’re always up at seven, even on Sundays, but we never mind what time we eat, so you just choose when you would like it… No, No,” Doris insisted when Clarrie said she didn’t need anything cooked but would be glad of a packed sandwich to take out, “You need to start the day with a good meal, but cooking for all three of us together will save me time.” Before saying goodnight, she nodded towards the end of the landing. “His room is along there next to yours so you might hear him come up, although he does try to tread lightly. He’s out most nights, either with his son or baby-sitting for his daughter, but you’ll meet him in the morning. Lovely, lovely man, don’t know what I’d have done without him after my Sam died.” The last thing Clarrie wanted was a rundown on the family history, so with a smile of thanks, she escaped quickly into her own room. The painting drew her eye as soon as she switched on the light and for a second or two she thought there was movement within it… The clouds were drifting – the figures walking. The moment passed and she attributed it to being so tired. After enjoying a hot shower it wasn’t long before Clarrie was drifting to sleep… until an image formed in her mind’s eye, something else she’d glimpsed in the picture that she 19