Previews Ghostly Echoes by Mai Griffin | 页面 25

Ghostly Echoes Although Sarah was proud to see her daughter’s paintings so well displayed her gaze lingered more often on Maud’s, finding that the portrayal of Norma made her feel vaguely uncomfortable. She had never really liked Norma and somehow the portrait revealed something deeply disturbing about her that was easier to ignore in life. Sarah never asked about her personal feelings for sitters but perhaps, inadvertently, Clarinda had captured intrusions from her own subconscious. Others admired both of the portraits without reservation ...some even likened Norma’s strange smile to that of the Mona Lisa! Norma had the dummy hand in the first round and at the adjacent table Sarah’s partner also had the contract. No player likes to be left out of play and as they caught each other’s eye sympathetically, in what was potentially a fleeting glance, they were both simultaneously distracted from the play. Norma saw Sarah’s expression intensify. Her normally smooth features were creased in a worried frown and as their eyes locked, Norma had what seemed to be a telepathic vision of Maud’s face contorted with pain. They looked over the tables at each other – sharing the same dreadful image – then both stared at Maud, triumphantly tidying her tricks away, having made a slam. The rest of the morning passed in a blur to Norma but when the party broke up she found that Sarah was, for once, anxious to talk to her! Accompanying her outside, while Maud was occupied with all the other departing guests, Norma was almost dizzy, anticipating Sarah’s reaction when she described what she had seen. It was Norma’s chance to prove herself to Sarah, but, before she could do so, Sarah spoke urgently, her voice tinged with alarm. “I know you’ll think it a strange request, but please, I beg you – I feel this so strongly – you must keep Maud at home today!” Sarah refused to explain further, trusting that Maud’s well-being would be supremely important to her sister, but Norma pressed for a reason. Clutching Sarah’s arm, Norma described what she herself had seen and for a few moments neither woman moved. Sarah studied Norma intently then came to a decision. “It seems that 23