Presenting with Authenticity, Impact and Power | Page 7

Jessica Symes maintains that authenticity is the foundation for successful presenting. In today's business environment, expectations are that everybody has the ability to communicate effectively and in a confident manner to influence and persuade. Therefore, finding ones’ voice and the confidence to speak up leads to successful and thriving careers.

Jessica Symes advocates celebrating/elevating low energy (traditionally known as introverts) as a powerful impactful presenting style.

Her work in authenticity, values, strengths and personal brand has seen incredible results in this space.

When individuals with lower energy develop the skills to communicate with greater impact and assertiveness their potential is enormous because they now have the ability to share their ideas which may have previously have unheard.

Famous examples of lower energy leaders include: Barrack Obama, Warren Buffet

Sheryl Sandberg, and Malala Yousafzai.

The power of the Quiet...

Finding ones’ voice and the confidence to speak up leads to successful and thriving careers.