Presenting with Authenticity, Impact and Power | Page 3

Coach for Presenting empowers individuals to be confident, skilled and impactful speakers and communicators. Jessica Symes' winning formula is built around four key pillars: Authenticity, Confidence, Impact and Expertise.






Psychology and personality theory help participants recognise and develop their authentic presenting style. The science of stress and theory of performance taken from sports and the arts helps speakers overcome their nerves and build their confidence. Jessica Symes explains how storytelling techniques and the WHY-WHO approach create presentations which are dynamic, inform and have influence.


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Authenticity is achieved by: Psychology and Personality theory

Confidence is achieved by: The science of stress and theory of performance taken from the sports and the arts

Impact is achieved by: The various technique of story telling, the why approach to structure

Expertise is achieved by: The Symes Group Presentation Style Tool

Coach for Presenting