Prepception March 2014 | Page 8

Responsibilities of Leadership By Umut Yün CIP is one of the most unique specialties of RC. So being the leader of such an important thing requires some responsibilities and time. If you want your CV to look better and have some responsibility in the future, you should look at this article. Your CIP story starts with applying to CIP Office with your project and experience and teacher opinions of your previous projects. Your application has to include your aims and details of the project. And then you have to wait for your application to be approved. After CIP Office’s approval, you have to be in touch with your group members and arrange appointments. At those appointments, a CIP leader has all the responsibility. S/He has to take attendance and report all the absent students. Also they have to attend to arrangements of CIP coordinators. But as told, the hardest part is to find funds for CIP. If a leader wants to compromise a sponsorship deal, they first have to state it to CIP Office. Also as we may see around school, a leader can organize his group to sell old books or clothes or cakes and cookies. So it is leader and his group’s responsibility to find funds. Also a CIP leader has to find the transportation needs. These are just CIP leaders’ responsibilities before the project. At project time, CIP leaders have to keep team together either at work hours or free time. They also need to make sure team doesn’t do anything against the school rules. Also they have to be ready to solve any kind of problems, if happened. Also they have to make sure every member of group wrote their diaries daily. Further, they have to be in touch with group supervisors in a respectful way that are chosen from teachers. So being a CIP leader is a big honor and a responsibility. You are the one who decides whether it is worth it or not. The Projects in Istanbul that’s been going on Against Nature By Cem Özbek “If the earth was a single state, Istanbul would be its ological remains. capital” said Napoleon Bonaparte, because of its geographical location and its natural wonders, Istanbul has always been a powerful and a beautiful city. Nowadays Istanbul is too crowded for its size and its growing, turning forests to concrete. There are lots of projects going on which corrupt natural life in Istanbul like “The third bridge” and “The third airport.” “The Northern Marmara highway, which will be built to connect to Istanbul’s third bridge, will not only lead to the destruction of a huge forest area, but will also cross through eight archaeological sites, according to two of Istanbul’s Cultural Heritage Protection Boards.” A “Hürriyet Daily News” writer says, “it’s not only the nature that we’re losing it’s also the history of this ancient city. There are five historical sites which are considered ‘first degree archaeological sites’.” Archaeologists say that they should stop constructing the highway that connects the roads to the third bridge, and start digging the archae- The roads of the third bridge.