Prepared for Day One | Page 28

In its preliminary analysis , the TDOE found a relationship between edTPA scores and how teachers perform in the classroom , as assessed by a teacher evaluation system . For example , among 2014 completers with available data , 41 percent of teachers with edTPA scores between 37 and 40 eventually earned a level 4 or 5 on the teacher evaluation system , while 34 percent of teachers who scored below 37 earned a level 4 or 5 . More teachers who score a higher edTPA score receive a higher evaluation rating .
The state is on track to require all prospective teachers to take and pass edTPA beginning on January 1 , 2019 . SBE and the TDOE are considering incentives for EPPs to adopt edTPA before 2019 .
In Tennessee , the following institutions have implemented edTPA :
• Austin Peay State University
• East Tennessee State University
• Middle Tennessee State University
• Tennessee State University
• Tennessee Technological University
• University of Memphis
• University of Tennessee at Knoxville
• Vanderbilt University
Turn to page 32 for our recommendations to improve the state ’ s licensure assessment system .
In addition to edTPA , there are other performance assessments used by institutions in other states . ETS , in partnership with TeachingWorks at the University of Michigan , for example , developed the National Observational Teaching Exam ( NOTE ). NOTE measures both content knowledge through computer-based tests as well as pedagogy based on performance in a simulated classroom . 48 Research studies and piloting for NOTE are being conducted in 2016 and 2017 .
In addition to earning a license , teachers can add endorsements , which indicate the areas for which a licensed educator is prepared to provide instruction , leadership , or services in schools and districts . Tennessee currently offers 94 endorsement areas . Endorsements may be added by submitting qualifying scores on all state-required content assessments for each endorsement an educator is seeking to add or completing additional coursework . 49 The TDOE does not currently report data on the number of teachers teaching subjects for which they did not receive primary endorsements . However , the state ’ s use of more enhanced data systems could improve reporting of endorsement data .