Prem Prospectus 2018 Prem Prospectus 2018 | Page 3

Welcome to Prem At Prem we recognise that your child is unique and that all of our students are different, having different strengths and different needs. Our aim is to provide all of our students with well-con- s i d e re d , re l e v a n t a n d m e a n i n g f u l e d u c a t i o n a l op p or t u n i t i es t h at f o s t e r a d e s i re f o r e nd u r i n g understanding and authentic learning as well as preparation for a successful life after school. Students are encouraged to be active partners in their learning, to be curious, to have the confidence to explore their world and to speak out with courage and conviction. Our extraordinary campus provides a myriad of opportunities for sports, leadership, and activities that promote social responsibility as well as developing a sense of wonder and creativity. We want every one of our students to thrive in the secure environment that is Prem and to experience the joy of developing new skills, meeting new challenges and growing in confidence in the care of dedicated teachers and boarding staff. “Inspiring every child to excel” Alun Cooper - Head of School 1