Preach Magazine Issue 3 - Preaching and the Holy Spirit | Page 14

14 FEATURE In the minds of many people most churches emphasise either Scripture or the gifts of the Holy Spirit. There’s an assumption that if a church is strong on biblical teaching it will be weak, or will doubt the existence of, spiritual gifts such as prophecy, words of knowledge or healing. Conversely if a church promotes such supernatural gifts they may be viewed as having a low view of Scripture and therefore being weak on biblical preaching. I DON’T BELIEVE SCRIPTURE CAN BE ADDED TO, BUT WHETHER THE HOLY SPIRIT CAN DIRECTLY COMMUNICATE WITH SOMEONE SO THAT THEY HAVE WORDS OF INSIGHT AND THINGS LIKE THAT, WELL IN THEORY YES; IN PRACTICE I’VE SEEN VERY LITTLE OF IT. LWPT8693 Preach Magazine - Issue 3 v3 REPRO.indd 14 17/04/2015 15:42:51