Pre-College Education | Page 2

welcome / facts & figures
pre-college overview
pre-college research
signature programs
utk highlights
partner highlights
From the Director :
It is my pleasure to share with you our recent accomplishments in education and diversity program at CURENT .
The education , outreach and diversity program at CURENT focuses on an interactive and challenging academic environment , where ERC students working with faculty , postdoctoral research associates , graduate students and industry experts from diverse background can gain the experience they need to be leaders in the field . The education program offers a holistic approach to meet the educational needs for K-12 students and teachers , undergraduate and graduate students , and the industry community . Education programs are purposefully designed to enhance students ’ adaptability and creativity to enable them to thrive in a global environment .
I view engineering education as an effort among educators , parents , community , and industry that goes beyond just any one individual ’ s influence . CURENT ’ s education program values partnership and collaboration from the community . We are thankful for your support .
Best Wishes ,
Dr . Chien-fei Chen Co-Director of Education & Diversity Programs

impac 1,070

the UT campus alone impacted 1,070 pre-college participants during 2012-13
Education Team :
Dr . Fran Li
Director of Education & Diversity
Dr . Chien-fei
Co-Director of Education &
Erin Wills
Education Coordinator
Adam Hardebeck
Communications &
Partner Institutions :
Claire Duggan
Northeastern University
Elizabeth Herkenham
Dr . Jesmin Khan
Tuskegee University
682 meanwhile , over 680 precollege students and teachers participated in partner school education programs
1 curent . utk . edu / pre-college