Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 641

582 Pratikraman
‘ Chandubhai .’ If you were to sit ‘ Chandubhai ’ in front of You , can You or can You not ‘ see ’ him exactly ?
Questioner : My talks with him go on for hours . ( 548 )
Dadashri : But there are others within him who also accept the ‘ phone call ( conversation )’; that is why You have to make him sit in front of You and talk to him , loudly and directly . That way some one else will not take the phone .
Questioner : How should I make him sit across from me ?
Dadashri : ‘ Chandubhai ’ will become very wise if You seat him across from You and keep scolding him . You should scold him personally . Say to him , ‘ Chandubhai , should you be doing this ? What nonsense is this ? Why don ’ t you become straightforward ?’ What is wrong in speaking to him this way ? Does it look good if someone else has to correct you ? That is why ‘ we ’ tell You to scold ‘ Chandubhai ,’ otherwise he will continue walking in complete darkness . What the pudgal is saying now is , ‘ You have become a Shuddhatma , but what about me ?’ He will put in a claim ; he has a right too . He too has a desire that he wants something . He is naïve so you can coax him . Naïve , because in the company of fools , he becomes a fool and in the company of wise , he becomes wise . In a company of thieves , he becomes a thief . Jevo sang evo rang ! One becomes like the company that he keeps .
You have to seat him in front of the mirror , and then start this process . You can see his whole face in the mirror . Then You tell ‘ Chandubhai ’, ‘ Why did you do that ? You are not to do that . Why do you have separation due to difference in opinion ( matbhed ) with your wife ? Is this why you got married to her ? Why are you doing this after getting married ?’ You have to tell him such things . When you scold him like this , in front of the mirror for one hour , then tremendous energy will manifest . This is considered the highest of all samayik . ‘ You ’ ‘ know ’ of all