Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 632

UNDERSTANDING SAMAYIK 573 community) could ‘see’? Questioner: I ‘saw’ very clearly. Dadashri: They will not let even a snake go by without killing it first. Such are the patidars. If such patidars can ‘see’ too, then what kind of an Atma they must have attained? This is considered the wonder of the world! To attain one hour of Puniyaa Shravak’s samayik, it would take King Shrenik’s entire kingdom just to cover the commission for it, so imagine the total value of this one hour! Do you now understand what Dada has given to you? Then It Will Automatically Keep Searching for Mistakes Within Dadashri: Have you lost anything by sitting the whole day with ‘me’? Questioner: I have not lost anything. (540) Dadashri: So then why do you not run around with ‘me’? What is wrong with running around with ‘me’ instead of running around the world? Questioner: That is major running around; this with You, Dada, cannot be called running around. Dadashri: You have been given the reign of the whole universe. I have given you something that no sadhu or acharya will ever attain. I have helped You launch Your kite with, ‘I am Shuddhatma.’ A while ago, I had people do samayik on violence (himsa), so when they went home, they kept seeing their mistakes of violence even when they went to the bathroom. It would not stop. It continued like that for three days. It kept bothering them because it kept going deeper and deeper, seeking mistakes of violence. I had to put a stop to it by doing a vidhi.