Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 630

UNDERSTANDING SAMAYIK Questioner: But, I saw that film twice. 571 (538) Dadashri: Good, nothing wrong with that. Whatever You can ‘see,’ you have that much time to wash it off. This is a pure (shuddha) Self (Atma). Otherwise, if you want to remember all your mistakes, you will not be able to. But if you sit in a samayik, You will ‘see’ them effortlessly. So the Seer that saw that ‘film’ is the Self who is the Knower-Seer. The Self ‘sees’ what you are doing. Does anyone else want to talk about his experience of the samayik? Questioner: I absolutely feel at peace; I was able to see lots of my mistakes. Dadashri: Whatever mistakes You saw are gone. Now the remaining small ones, if there are any, will go away when you do a samayik like this again. Did anything else come to you? Questioner: Yes, I ‘saw’ all the mistakes from the young age up until now. And now I have a special prayer and request, Dada, please do something so that I will not repeat any mistakes in sexuality. Dadashri: Yes, ‘I’ will do that for you. But up to what age did you see them? Questioner: From a very young age. Dadashri: Did You ‘see’ all the mistakes, beginning from a very young age up until now? That is very good. The Seer is the Self (Gnata-Drashta); you ‘saw’ the Self (experienced the Self)! Otherwise, if you try to recall the mistakes, you will not be able to do that at all, whereas here You ‘saw’ all this. That is a lot. Still, whatever You saw, it is all gone. Those