Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 616

UNDERSTANDING SAMAYIK 557 Dadashri: Ours is Akram Vignan. Therefore, this samayik is to sit still and dissolve the tubers. Samayik is not the ideal word for this in Akram Vignan. ‘We’ have to give it another unique name but because ‘we’ cannot find another name, ‘we’ are making do with this one. And samayik does not mean anything but to remain the Knower-Seer (Gnata-Drashta) of whatever sprouts from the mind (gneya). Questioner: Are samayik and pratikraman considered a kriya (ritual)? Dadashri: No, samayik and pratikraman are not kriyas. They are gnan-kriya. That which is carried out in ignorance is agnan-kriya and that which is ‘done’ – occurs through Gnan (the Self) – is gnan-kriya. Gnan-kriya liberates, whereas this agnan-kriya brings worldly happiness. Questioner: My personal experience is that awareness (jagruti) increases a lot with samayik. (526) Dadashri: Jagruti will increase a lot. There is nothing better than a samayik for awareness. Questioner: But I understood it to be a kriya (ritual). Dadashri: No. It is a gnan-kriya. Gnan-kriya is not considered a kriya action. As far as worldly interaction (vyavahar) is concerned, you have to say that you are ‘doing’ samayik. ‘We’ just use the word ‘doing,’ that is all. You (the Self) have to ‘remain’ in samayik, not ‘do’ the samayik. It is an old habit of speaking and using such words and that is why we speak that way. The language has developed such that we say, ‘We have to ‘do’ the samayik,’ but otherwise, samayik is what You have be ‘in.’ In our path of Akram, there is no ‘doership,’ is there? The language has simply become so and that is why we