Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 604

UNDERSTANDING SAMAYIK 545 With Kayotsarg What kind of samayik has the Lord said to do? It should be done with the meditation, ‘This body and all in it, is not mine.’ Samayik should be with renunciation of the body complex (kayotsarg). Those who have attained this Gnan, their samayik is inclusive of kayotsarg. That is very valuable. Now, how was kayotsarg done? The ganadhars (enlightened masters who managed the masses who came to the Lord) and other prominent disciples used to do kayotsarg. They would stand like this, like a pole, and then they first decided, ‘I am not the leg; I am not the stomach, not the chest, not the head,’ and so on; they did such inner renunciation (utsarg). And then they meditated from within, ‘I am Shuddhatma (pure Soul).’ If you were to ask them, ‘Atma of what kind?’ They would say, ‘One with infinite knowledge (anant gnan), infinite vision (anant darshan), infinite energy (anant shakti).’ They would know five or six such attributes of the Self and they would tell you of them. Based on these scriptural words, they would keep churning these sentences over and over again. First they renounce (do utsarg). The Lord has con