Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 591

532 Pratikraman
repentance . Repentance for what ? Repent for taking money from others wrongfully ; repent for any sexual desire that is not right .
Seeker : So should I not consider the samayik of the Navkar Mantra as samayik ?
Dadashri : Alas , it is because you have considered it as a samayik that you find yourself in this predicament . You have not recited the Navkar Mantra correctly even once . Don ’ t you have to take into consideration the person that is prescribing these rituals ?
These Are All Gross Samayiks
Wherever there is artadhyan ( adverse internal meditation that hurts the self ) and raudradhyan ( adverse internal meditation that hurts the self and others ), there is no Jain religion .
Seeker : Is doing samayik not the Jain religion ?
Dadashri : What do you consider as samayik ? Do you call samayik a samayik or asamayik ( that which is not samayik ) a samayik ?
Seeker : Please explain what samayik and asamayik are ?
Dadashri : What kind of samayik do these people do ? The monks and religious teachers do gross ( sthool ) samayik . Gross samayik means to bring a restless mind into concentration on a target .
Some people take a book and read for hours . Some do deep thinking , some are doing mantras , whatever it may be in , but they remain in that samayik . But even then they do not remain still . How can even God give them any credit for all that ? One does not remain still for even forty-eight minutes . What can anyone do ?
Even the laborers have such gross ( sthool ) samayik . All the businessmen , whose minds have become restless , are not