Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 543

484 Pratikraman Gnanis tell you everything, having ‘seen’ it all, whereas others have to bring it into their conviction (pratiti). All this is nothing but pudgal. Questioner: Everything that occurs with and to the pudgal is being dictated by vyavasthit, but how does it do atikraman? Dadashri: It can do kraman and it can also do atikraman. Questioner: It can only occur when the energy of the Self (chetana) enters into the body (pudgal), is that not so? Dadashri: That verily is called pudgal. These pudgal parmanus (the smallest part of matter), ‘we’ call it ‘pudgal,’ that is all. The Lord has called that pudgal as ‘mishrachetan.’ What is pudgal parmanu? Mishrachetan is that which is charged with ‘the life energy of the Self (chetan bhaav)’ and is called ‘puran’ (to fill) and which will empty (galan) in the next life. Then it charges again. It gets charged (puran; filling or coming together) and discharges (galan; emptying or dissipating). Atikraman is considered galan (discharge of past karma). But if atikraman occurs after Gnan, and if it has occurred through the self (mishrachetan), then it is considered puran. (This does not occur after Gnan because the Self is not the doer; the mishrachetan is the doer). Questioner: If ‘Chandubhai’ does it, he does not have any attachment-abhorrence (raag-dwesh), so for him there is no such thing as atikraman or pratikraman! Dadashri: Raag-dwesh all belongs only to ‘Chandubhai’ (the one with the wrong belief). Who is Asking for Forgiveness and from Whom? Our pratikraman is one that follows atikraman; it is not for kraman (that which is occurring without kashay). When you