Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 530

[25] Understanding the Principles of Pratikraman 471 Questioner: Yes. Dadashri: If ‘Chandubhai’ were the doer, then the charging would take place. So that question no longer applies. Do you understand? Did you get a clarification to your question? Questioner: If I do pratikraman, will I not charge a new karma? Dadashri: If the Self becomes the doer, only then will karma be charged. No New Credit or Debit after Gnan Questioner: Is there a charging of the good karma, just as there is charging of the bad karma? Dadashri: No. Even bad deeds do not get charged after Gnan. We do pratikraman when atikraman occurs during discharge of past karma. Atikramans that were done in the past are such that they hurt others now. Questioner: Do I have to do pratikraman for the attachment-abhorrence (raag-dwesh) that occurs during discharge? Dadashri: You have to do pratikraman for the discharge, and there is no charging, so that is out of the question. So, for ‘us,’ there is no new credit or debit of karma. If credit takes place, one will get a life in the celestial world. If there is debit, one will spend a life in the animal world, but that does not occur anymore for you mahatmas. But we are talking about this current credit-debit, which is discharge; when there is atikraman during that then you have to do pratikraman. Correct Understanding of Doership Questioner: Some individuals say that we have been given a state of Shuddhatma – the pure Self. The Self does not do