Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 520

[24] Gnan Rescues Those Drowning in the River of ... 461 The Mistake is There and The ‘Seer’ is Also There Questioner: Dada, do something so that the mistakes cease to be ‘seen.’ Dadashri: No, mistakes will be ‘seen.’ The mistakes are ‘seen’ because the ‘Seer,’ the Self, is there and the mistakes are ‘gneya’ – that which is to be known. Questioner: But can something be done so that one does not see them? Dadashri: No, if they can no longer be ‘seen,’ then the Self will leave. It is because the Self is there that You can see the mistakes. But now they are not mistakes anymore. They are now ‘gneya’ and You are the Knower (the Gnata). Be Tired of Atikraman Now Questioner: I still have many files and, therefore, I ‘see’ so many mistakes all day long that I am completely tired and frustrated. Dadashri: That will occur. Questioner: Every moment of the day I can see so many mistakes. Dadashri: Those mistakes are being ‘seen’ and, therefore, they are going away. The mistakes will be ‘seen’ for sure. If you can ‘see’ your mistakes, then You have become the Self – the Atma. You can only ‘see’ them when you become ‘shuddha (pure),’ will you not? (438) Questioner: But the whole day, every moment of the day? Dadashri: Yes, on the contrary, it is good that you can ‘see’ them. You are told to do penance (tapa) so that You can