Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 465

406 Pratikraman
intent of pratikraman . It is like this : for them to come to mind , time is required ; then they will come . Do they not come to you at night ?
Questioner : They come depending upon the circumstances .
Dadashri : Yes , because of the circumstances . Questioner : And what about when desire arises ?
Dadashri : Desire means the subtle inner tendencies become evident externally . The intent ( bhaav ) that you had previously made is now surfacing again and so here you need to do pratyakhyan .
Questioner : Dada , during such times You tell us to say , ‘ This should not be there anymore .’ Do we say this every time ?
Dadashri : You have to do pratyakhyan in the following manner , ‘ This is not mine . I am surrendering everything . I had invited all these in ignorance . But today , they are not mine , so I am surrendering them through the mind , speech and body . Now I do not want anything . I had invited this pleasure ( sukh ) in my ignorant state . Today , this pleasure is not mine and , therefore , I am surrendering it . I surrender it through the mindbody-speech ; I do not need anything anymore .’ You had invited that which you believed gave you pleasure , but your vision ( drashti ) has changed and , therefore , that so-called ‘ pleasure ’ now appears as illusory , transient pleasure to you . Not only was it not real pleasure , but it was not even false illusory pleasure .
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Short Pratikraman
The whole goal behind Akram Vignan is ‘ shoot-on-sight ’ pratikraman . This is the foundation upon which Akram Vignan stands . No one is making mistakes . If you become instrumental in hurting someone , invoke that person ’ s pure Soul , who is