Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 447

388 Pratikraman
the connection ( with the tiger ) becomes free .
Questioner : But did you not say that its violent intent goes away .
Dadashri : Its violent intent goes away . Questioner : How does that occur ?
Dadashri : When your fear goes away , its violent intent goes away .
Questioner : So does that mean that it had an effect on its soul ?
Dadashri : There is a direct effect on the soul . It does reach its soul .
Even a tiger will do whatever you command it , if you were to do its pratikraman . There is no difference between a tiger and a human . The difference is in the vibrations you emit . It is your vibrations that will affect the tiger . As long as you believe in your mind that a tiger is a violent animal , the tiger will remain violent . If you are aware that the tiger is the Soul , then it will have no violence with you . Everything is possible .
Pratikraman is Addressed to the Pure Soul
You must understand how effective your intent ( bhaav ) can be in causing an effect that can be destructive . If a monkey destroys all the mangos on your mango tree , then , in a moment of frustration you say it would be better to just chop down the mango tree altogether . Beware of the inner intent behind what you say . Words spoken in the presence of the Self do not go to waste . If you are careful not to cause a negative effect , then everything will be fine .
Everything around you is the effect of what you yourself have created . From this moment onwards , stop any vibrations or thoughts towards others . If a thought arises , wash it off by