Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 436

[ 22 ] Solution for Sticky Files 377
or not , is not under Your control . Why don ’ t You remain in My Agnas ? That way most of Your work will be done and if it remains pending , it is in the control of nature .’
All ‘ we ’ look at is your decision of , ‘ I want to settle with equanimity .’ Decide at least that much . Then ‘ we ’ are not concerned whether that occurs or not . How long can we sit here and watch the drama ? When will it all come to an end ? We have to move on . There may be times when it may not be settled with equanimity . If the bonfire does not light , we will light it later . Why sweat trying to light it ? We tried everything and if it does not light , just move on . Otherwise , when will it all come to an end ? ( 358 )
This Gnan has been given to sansaris ( married people ; people living a worldly life ). I have not asked them to renounce anything , but I have told them to settle their files with equanimity and to do pratikraman . I have shown them these two solutions . There is no one to mess with the state You are in when You ‘ do ’ these two . Without these two solutions , You would not be able to stand on the shore of the Self . There is danger on the shore .
That Which is Within File One is Only To Be ‘ Seen ’
Questioner : I may be able to settle all the other files with equanimity , but please explain in detail how to settle file number one with equanimity . I feel that all this meddling is of file number one .
Dadashri : The initial interference ( dakho ), ‘ I am Chandulal ,’ leaves only by ‘ seeing ’. Whether it ( file ) is straightforward or awkward , You don ’ t have much to do with it . All of it will go away by simply ‘ seeing ’ it . If another ‘ file ’ makes a claim against you , then you have to do pratikraman . Whereas , here with file number one , there is no one to file anything against you , is there ? So , because there is no one to claim anything , it will go away by ‘ seeing ’ it . If you are having