Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 420

[20] Awareness When Words are Flowing in Speech… 361 inner intent and response, which will begin to be recorded. You have such inner weakness that you will start talking (retaliating; reacting) even before you are provoked. Questioner: Not only should one not say anything negative, but he should not even have a negative inner intent (bhaav), should he? Dadashri: It is true that one should not have such an inner intent. Whatever is in the inner intent (bhaav) is bound to manifest in words. Hence the inner intent will stop if one stops saying anything. This inner intent is the echo behind the words. A hostile inner intent (pratipakshi-bhaav) cannot refrain from arising, can it? No hostile inner intent will arise in ‘us (Dada).’ You too have to come to this state, this level; that much of your weakness must go. The weakness of hostile inner intents arising must go. However, if it ever occurs, we have the weapon of pratikraman with which you can erase them. As long as the water has not turned to ice, there is no problem; but once it turns into ice, it is not under your control (as long as the karma has not been bound, you can do pratikraman and erase it). When a man scolds his wife, he thinks, ‘No one heard me say all that. Everything is fine as it is.’ When husband and wife fight, they will say all kinds of things in front of their little children. They think the children are too young to know anything. Hey, you! What about the taping (recording) that is taking place within the child? It will all be expressed when he grows up! Wash Off the Mistakes of Speech in This Manner Questioner: How can one prevent the tape from recording within? Dadashri: Do not create any vibration (spandan) of any kind. Keep ‘seeing’ everything. However, it is not possible because even this is a machine (the relative self; the non-Self