Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 402

[19] The Problem of Compulsive Lying 343 did you do atikraman?’ Kraman occurs the whole day; atikraman does not. Atikraman occurs once or twice a day, for which you have to do pratikraman. You should be aware of all your weaknesses. ‘You’ are not weak; You have become the Self, but prior to Self-realization, you were the main creator of all these weaknesses, were you not? So now You, as a neighbor, should say, ‘Chandulal, do pratikraman.’ Do a lot of pratikraman. Whatever fifty to a hundred, or so, persons you have mistreated and abused, do hours of pratikramans a day for each such individual at a time. You will have to wash off all that. Then the Gnan will manifest in you. Questioner: But, Dada, I have abused only those who have abused me. Dadashri: Those who have abused you will pay their own price. You are not responsible for that. They are not aware of their responsibility. He is eating chapaati (rotli; flat bread) in this life, but he does not have any problem with eating bales of hay in his next life! Merit and Demerit Karma in Operation Questioner: There are some people who, even when they lie, people think they are telling the truth. And there are some people who, even when they tell the truth, people think they are lying. What is this puzzle? (326) Dadashri: That occurs on the basis of one’s demerit karma (paap) and merit karma (punya). If one’s unfolding of his demerit karma is in operation, then people will not believe him even when he is telling the truth; and if his merit karma is in operation, people will believe him even when he is telling lies. Questioner: So is there no harm in it for him?