Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 387

328 Pratikraman (illusory attraction) inside, filled from the past life, and that is why this circumstance (sainyog) arose. When do such circumstances come together? It is not as if you went out to invite them! But they come together, all the same! When circumstances come together, your mind at that time is under the influence of moha and the subatomic particles of sexuality will show you all its phases. What should You do at that time? Who is the nimit for this wrong sexual thought? You should do pratikraman in the name of that nimit. Then do the pratikraman to the pure Soul of that lady by saying, ‘Dear pure Soul, who is separate from the union of mind, speech and body, charge karma (bhaavkarma), subtle discharge karma (dravyakarma) and gross discharge karma (nokarma) of this lady (insert her name here)! I just had sexual thoughts about this lady. For that I am doing alochana (confession) in front of Dada Bhagwan.’ To declare this is alochana. You do not need to call Me there for My physical presence. You can have Me there through this inner contemplation and then do the pratikraman: ‘Dear pure Soul, grant me the power and energy not to have such thoughts about anybody. I am asking for Your forgiveness for such thoughts. Grant me the energy never to have such sexual thoughts about anybody.’ ‘It is my determination and desire never to harbor such thoughts in the future,’ is called pratyakhyan. (312) Your wish is to never have such thoughts again, and yet they will come if they are in your karmic stock. But you will have to do pratyakhyan every time. However many times you do pratyakhyan, that many layers of the ‘onion’ are shed. Then the next layer will come. Which onions have more layers, small ones or big ones? Questioner: Large ones have more. Dadashri: Yes, so for the one who has a ‘large onion,’ for him more layers will be shed. But they are being shed.