Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 363

304 Pratikraman
them sticky . What can we do when he makes them sticky by rubbing on oil ?
Still , one thing is certain , that if it comes down to someone in the family , then You have to tell ‘ Chandulal ’ to keep doing pratikraman for him . This current friction is the result of the karmic account of the past life , but the reaction of the ego is not . ‘ This ’ gnan — knowledge ( that clash is a result but egoism is not ); is a result and , therefore , tell him to do pratikraman , because it is all from the past .
Questioner : There is animosity between myself and another person . There has been attachment and abhorrence between us . While I have managed to get rid of my enmity and abhorrence , the other person still continues to harbor deep enmity . Does this mean that in my next life , he will come to settle the account ? After all , he is the one perpetuating enmity . ( 288 )
Dadashri : That is correct . He has been more hurt than you . You may forget his pain , but if he does not forget and he carries this on to the next life , you have to do pratikraman for it . The pratikraman is for the extra intensity of the atikraman , do you understand ?
Questioner : If his enmity goes away , does that mean that my pratikraman has been effective ?
Dadashri : Yes , with pratikraman , his animosity towards you will lessen . With each pratikraman , a layer of karma is shed . Karma comes in layers , like onions . You will have to do as many pratikraman as the number of layers you have caused . Do you understand ?
Questioner : Yes . Many people used to do raag-dwesh towards Lord Mahavir but it did not touch Him .
Dadashri : They did endless raag-dwesh . They also used to hit Him . They used to hit Him and they also did raag towards