Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 359

300 Pratikraman striking back? Questioner: So should the ego suppress such an inner intent (bhaav) or should it allow it to manifest in action? (284) Dadashri: ‘You’ do not have to suppress them or let them manifest into action. Just keep ‘seeing’ what occurs. Do you understand that? You just have to ‘see’ what ‘Chandulal’ is doing; that is all. Your duty is to ‘know’ and ‘see,’ and on what basis is ‘Chandulal’ functioning? It is based on vyavasthit. Do you understand? All the files are to be settled with equanimity on the basis of scientific circumstantial evidences! There is no other problem; everything else is complete. This is How Enmity is Destroyed Questioner: I am not able to break free from the links of enmity perpetuated through speech. These layers of enmity are so tightly bound that they are difficult to peel off. And remembering Dada when I try to do pratikraman for the atikraman I did, the pratikraman stops and instead leaves a link of grudge (taanto) behind. Then those links (taanto) come out even stronger. So I feel dejected as to why these links still remain. Why do they not go away? Dadashri: That is because it has been made very compact, that is why. It is just like this bale of cotton. It will fill up the whole room if you cut off the ropes. That is how this karmic stock has been compacted together; therefore, you have to continue doing pratikraman to bring an end to it. Questioner: No matter how much effort I put in, it stops me from doing pratikraman. Those links of enmity work against the pratikraman and so it exhausts any effort (purusharth) towards it. Dadashri: No matter how hard it is, just go to sleep at night. The Lord has said to work during the day but to sleep at