Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 348

[15] On The Path of Cause Ahimsa 289 [15] On The Path of Cause Ahimsa The Final Pratikraman Questioner: On the path of liberation, before final enlightenment, if there is a pending account with someone, does repeated pratikraman clear off the account? Dadashri: Yes. (273) Questioner: Even with the living beings we do not know? Dadashri: Only those whom we have met and have created accounts with; no one else. Questioner: But what words do we say when doing pratikraman? Dadashri: Say, ‘Whatever living beings that I have hurt in any way, please forgive me.’ Questioner: Each and every living being? Dadashri: Yes, to each and every living being. Questioner: Does it include living beings like the ones present in air (vayukaya), water (jalkaya) and fire (tejokaya)? Dadashri: It includes everything that you mentioned. Intent of Not Hurting Anyone Questioner: What should I do if I hurt any living being (jiva) unknowingly? Dadashri: When himsa (violence) occurs unknowingly