Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 340

[14] Release from Bondage of Inner Enemies 281 others do not understand? If someone were to ask me, I would tell them. One lady actually did stop giving sermons and came to take Gnan. That mahasati (a nun in Jainism) said, ‘I am giving two discourses a day. I feel like giving religious instructions. This I know is going to land me in hell. If I take Gnan from you, will I be able to give religious instructions freely?’ I said, ‘Yes, you can.’ Then she took Gnan. The outcome for those who are on such religious paths and have taken Gnan has been very good. Veils of Ignorance Can Only Be Destroyed with the Right Vision Questioner: When the Knower, who is established in the Self, has to face unfolding of his karma, does he not become controlled by those circumstances? Dadashri: No, he is the Knower of the unfolding circumstance (udaya). When he remains the Knower (Gnata) of the unfolding karma, he is considered to be the Knower (Gnayak swabhav). And when he is not the Knower of the karma effect, he is under the control of those circumstances (udayavash). Questioner: Dada, when one becomes the Knower once, will he ever be controlled by the circumstances? Dadashri: He will come under control of circumstances. When the unfolding karmas are very heavy and sticky, then he will become controlled by them. That is why we have these pratyakhyan avaran kashays. I used to think a lot about them, ‘Oh, ho ho! What kind of kashay is this pratyakhyan avaran kashay?’ I used to think a lot about them before I attained Gnan. Because what did people say? They said avirat kashays (never-ending kashays) means anantanubandhi, and then after that comes apratyakhyani. What are the kashays, for which no pratikraman and pratyakhyan has been done, called?