Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 335

276 Pratikraman What occurs in the sixth gunasthanak? Pratyakhyan avaran kashay arises! Pratyakhyan Avaran Kashay What does pratyakhyan avaran mean? It means kashays occur even when one does pratikraman and pratyakhyan. The ones that come have so many layers. Those with few layers are gone, but those with many layers are pratyakhyan avaran. They will not go away even after hundreds of thousands of pratikramans. Questioner: What kind of mistakes are they? Dadashri: They are called pratyakhyan avaran. They do not go away even after one does pratyakhyan. Questioner: What is the major reason behind it? Dadashri: They are very deep and very thick. If an onion has five thousand layers, would it not look the same even if you peel off a layer at a time? This is like a layer of a kind, a veil of a kind (avaran). Everyone has one or two of these, not too many. Questioner: They keep coming back, again and again. Dadashri: Yes, they will keep coming back. Questioner: But will they not leave, sooner or later? Dadashri: They will begin to leave. As the karmic account (hisaab) matures, it will become less. There is no problem with them going. They will go away for sure, but what kind of problems do they create today? Despite doing pratikraman and pratyakhyan, they come back. Hence, you created pratyakhyan avaran by doing pratyakhyan for apratyakhyan avaran. So now, what about the pratyakhyan avaran that is created?