Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 334

[14] Release from Bondage of Inner Enemies 275 Questioner: Immediately. If the wind blows, it will be erased immediately. Dadashri: It will get smudged if the wind blows. It may take one hour or two hours. That is called pratyakhyani krodh. (260) And the fourth one is like a line one draws in the sand under water. It will get erased immediately. That is called ‘a line in the water.’ It is called sanjvalan krodh. Not all mahatmas have anger like ‘a line in the water.’ For most, it will mend after a fortnight or so. For some, it is like the line drawn in the sand in the water. This is something that the intellect (buddhi) will accept, is it not? Questioner: This is something that the self (atma) will accept. Dadashri: Which atma are you talking about? The vyavahar atma, the pratishthit atma (the relative self)? It is all a play of the intellect (buddhi). And which kind of atma will be there? It is all vyavahar atma (the relative self). The main Atma (the Self) knows even all this; it ‘knows’ everything. Apratyakhyan Avaran Kashay Questioner: Once the anantanubandhi kashay breaks, is overcome, it will go into the descending level and thus gradually decreases? Dadashri: It can