Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 325

266 Pratikraman have to do it. There is no need for You to do pratikraman after You become the Self. But make the one who did atikraman, Your neighbor ‘Chandulal,’ do pratikraman. Anger, pride, deceit and greed are not going to occur now, but if you become very angry with your child, then ask ‘Chandulal,’ ‘Why are you becoming so impatient with your child? How bad will she feel? Ask for forgiveness from her from within. You do not have to ask her in person, but ask for forgiveness from within and say that you will not do it again.’ Otherwise, if you don’t hurt her, then you don’t have to ask for forgiveness. Questioner: Pratikraman does not occur when the links of kashay continue. Dadashri: Pratikraman occurs very late in intense emotional upheaval with overt clash (udvega) and in a taanto, it takes a little while. Udvega is tantamount to ‘bombarding,’ whereas taanto is tantamount to ‘tear gas.’ It is like the suffocation one experiences when tear gas is released. (252) To ‘See’ the Prakruti is Purusharth Questioner: That is right. Whenever I get angry, from within there is a bhaav of, ‘This is wrong. You should not be angry.’ Dadashri: That is correct. You have to tell ‘Chandulal,’ ‘Do pratikraman. Why did you do atikraman?’ Questioner: When the anger arises, the awareness arises at the same time, which says, ‘Why is this ‘Chandulal’ doing this? It is wrong.’ But will this anger make me take a severe fall some day in the future? What should I do? Dadashri: No one will make you fall. They are corpses. How can they make the living fall? Every pudgal (non-Self complex) is a corpse. They cannot touch You. Just tell them, ‘I