Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 285

226 Pratikraman are separate and he (Chandulal) is separate. Such level of energy (of vitaragata) is lacking in people (mahatmas) and, therefore, if pratikraman is not done, the old opinion will remain. And is it not a fact that when you do pratikraman, You are separate form that opinion? Is that not an accomplished fact? The residual, the mind that does not get discharged is based on the residual opinions. This is because the mind has been formed through opinions. After careful clearing of these opinions, if some remain, their results will unfold in the future; will they not? But it will not be like the old times (past lives) when one had a strong opinion that we realize from now that if it (opinion-filled mind) is like this now, what will it be like in the future. (214) Questioner: So that means that ‘Chandulal’ and ‘Chandulal’s’ parmanus are discharge (effect). So if he does not do pratikraman, that many parmanus will remain pending for discharge. Dadashri: Your mind will harass you that much. How do you feel when you have taken some alcohol (there is a lack of clarity)? Questioner: So do they remain in the form of causes for the next life? Dadashri: Yes. The mind is formed because of opinions and when an opinion remains, that much of the mind still remains. Questioner: But, Dada, what about everything that occurred before Gnan? Dadashri: There is no question of that at all. Most of it has gone away because of the Gnan, and whatever is left will discharge in the next life without any problems. Questioner: So, does some of it still remain after Gnan? Dadashri: Yes, it will remain, but you have to resolve