Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 275

216 Pratikraman otherwise because it has been covered up. And then suspicion is the venom that kills. So if suspicion arises, do not let it and do pratikraman. When you reach a state where you will no longer have to do any pratikraman, that will be the state where no one will ever have any doubts or suspicions about you. You will attain a suspicion-free (nihshank) state. The moment you have the slightest bad thought about anyone, wash it away immediately with pratikraman. If these thoughts are allowed to linger even a short while, they will reach the other person and proliferate. They can grow in a matter of hours and continue for days. You should not allow your vibrations to flow in this way. Questioner: What should we do for that? (204) Dadashri: You should immediately erase them with pratikraman. If you cannot do pratikraman, then recall Dada, or whichever God you believe in, and say it in short, ‘This thought that I am having is not right and it is not mine.’ If you are walking alone at night and fear arises that you might get mugged, or if in a forest a thought arises about encountering a tiger, you should do pratikraman for this. The moment suspicion (shanka) arises it will ruin everything. Do not let suspicion arise. Do not allow yourself to become suspicious of any living being. Suspicion brings nothing but suffering. The moment you have suspicion you should make ‘Chandulal’ do pratikraman. You are the Lord of this universe so how can suspicion come to You? Suspicion may arise because we are human beings, but you should do instant pratikraman for this mistake. Do pratikraman for anyone about whom a suspicion arises, otherwise this suspicion will eat you up alive. Questioner: Does suspicion fall under karmic knots or