Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 255

196 Pratikraman even when he does not ask for forgiveness. What should I do if he keeps doing the same thing over and over again? Dadashri: Try as best as you can to explain to him in a loving, gentle manner. There is no other solution (upaya) for it and you do not have any authority and power (satta) over the matter. You have no choice other than to forgive him. If you do not, then you will end up doing so after some more suffering. There is no other solution. You have to make him understand and make him see his mistakes. If he changes his internal intent and recognizes that it is wrong for him to hurt you, your work is done. If he changes his inner intent to that he does not want to make the same mistake, and it still occurs, that is a different matter. If a man decides that he does not want to make any more mistakes and ends up making them, then it is a different matter. But if he says he wants to keep on doing it, then there is no end to it. That means he is on the wrong track. But after deciding he does not want to make mistakes again, if he repents his mistakes, then there is no problem if that mistake occurs again. Even when he decides he is not going to repeat it and he repents it, then if the mistake occurs again, he should repent again. What is the reason for this? This is because there are many layers to a mistake, like those of an onion. A layer will go away by repenting, but another layer will surface. So the onion will look the same. It will all come to an end when all the layers go away; it will not occur until then. One has made countless mistakes for countless lives. Maintain Your Love Despite Their Mistakes Questioner: What if he is not even aware that he is making mistakes, and continues doing so? What if he does not even repent? Dadashri: Then it is meaningless, is it not? It is meaningless