Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 250

[9] Pratikraman in Varying Situations 191 daughter-in-law and the daughter-in-law commits suicide as a result. Will the daughter-in-law attain peace if the mother-in-law does pratikraman afterwards? (180) Dadashri: We have to continue doing pratikraman; we are not liable for anything else. Questioner: What if the person is living? Dadashri: After doing pratikramans, you have to tell him, ‘I have no sense. Please forgive me.’ You should say that and he will be pleased. The other person becomes happy when you show him that you have less sense. If you say this even after breaking his arm, he will not worry about his broken arm. He will be happy. This is because the breaking of his arm had already been decided (it was in his karma), but you became the nimit. And so it occurred through your nimit (you as the nimit). So that karma became settled. The account became settled through a credit and a debit. The Knower of the Kashays and Lack of Kashays Questioner: Bad feelings, intents, arise but I immediately recognize that I made a mistake. Dadashri: That is why I tell you that all wrong and bad bhaav is discharge. Do you understand that? And it does not charge or bind karma. For such intentions, one immediately knows, ‘It should not be this way…it should not be so.’ Otherwise, to become involved with the wrong intentions (asaiyam) is called ‘giving in to kashays.’ But are you not able to remain separate from the bad intents (bad bhaav)? Questioner: Yes, yes. Dadashri: Now, bad bhaav is effective (it is an effect and its causes were previously created). Even if you try to stop them, you will not succeed, but if ‘Chandulal’ were scolding someone, from within You would know it should not be that