Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 240

[8] Freedom from the Chains of Life-After-Life Accounts 181 Questioner: That is correct. Dadashri: There, you can get away with everything because people approach everything heartily. So you have to take into consideration where things are likely to go wrong and proceed. You Should Know the Method Questioner: I am talking about the problem that when one’s belief is destroyed, his ego feels hurt. Dadashri: If you do not know how to break his belief and if he feels hurt, then you should not even try. I only break people’s belief, such that, ‘No, You are not ‘Chandubhai.’ ‘Chandubhai’ is not your real Self.’ In this way, his greatest belief from countless past lives begins to fracture and collapse further. There should be ‘exactness.’ Otherwise, it will hurt him a lot. I destroy the belief about God. Therefore, if I tell him that ‘there is no God,’ then it would be a disaster. Then I should be able to explain and make him understand from which perspective there is God and from which perspective there is not. That should all be there, and I should also explain to him for whom there is a God and for whom there is not. I would explain to hi