Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 211

152 Pratikraman occurred; it will say that only if the mistake has occurred. It is cautioning you from within. Who in this world will caution you? No one else will come to caution you. The Gnan that has been placed within you is cautioning you. It will constantly caution you! The One Whose Abhorrence is Gone is A God Pratikraman is occurring naturally and spontaneously from within. People ask if this is true. I tell them that I have placed a special ‘machine’ inside them which starts the process. Everything is ready as long as you are earnest about it. Questioner: That is true, Dada. Pratikraman is occurring naturally. Furthermore, this science is such that there is no more abhorrence (dwesh). Dadashri: Yes, abhorrence will not occur. Questioner: That is a wonder, Dada! Dadashri: That is what you call ‘Khuda’ (Muslim word for God; divine). The one who does not have any abhorrence is called ‘Khuda.’ Never Say the Negative Questioner: This person is saying, ‘Someone like me cannot