Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 210

[6] The Thorns Vanish and the Blossoms Remain 151 absolutely free (vimukta) from that? Only the Gnani Purush can show you the way, through pratikraman. (140) The Gnan Within You Cautions You Questioner: Sometimes, I feel that a mistake is occurring but the other person may not even be aware of it; can that be possible? Dadashri: Yes, I see everyone’s mistakes and yet they have no idea of their mistakes. Questioner: Not like that. I feel that I have erred towards you but you do not even feel that I have done anything wrong. So then what happens to the repenting that I do? Dadashri: Yes, you become free when you repent when you have done something wrong. What is it to you whether the other person is aware or not? Questioner: I thought, ‘Did I do something wrong?’ Dadashri: Yes, what can you do if his ‘post office’ is closed? Your post office is open, is it not? If you have stamped it the wrong way, then you have to correct it and stamp it the right way. Questioner: Or is it the intellect (buddhi) that looks for mistakes and continues to interfere every now and then? Dadashri: What interference does it do? Questioner: It tells me, ‘You have erred; you should not have done that.’ Dadashri: Hmm! Then it is saying the right thing, is it not? But where will you find someone to alert you this way? Questioner: But, Dada, perhaps that mistake may not have occurred, even then. Dadashri: No, it is not that the mistake may not have