Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 196

[6] The Thorns Vanish and the Blossoms Remain 137 Dadashri: That is not your lookout (concern). You have to say it in your mind (silent pratikraman) and so you are free. The Exact Definition of ‘Settlement of Karma’ Questioner: If there is an incident where even before any atikraman occurs, if we have the awareness of, ‘This is a discharge; this bhaav (inner intent) is not mine,’ is that not pratikraman? Dadashri: Everyone cannot maintain such awareness like you. Not everyone can maintain the awareness of, ‘This bhaav is not mine.’ So it is better to teach this simple thing of pratikraman to most people. Questioner: When the pratikraman is done, the Self does not accept it as its own bhaav, does it? Dadashri: No, it is true what he says, that we are only doing pratikraman to show that this is not our bhaav. Other people do not have the awareness of ‘These bhaavs (feelings of repent and aggression) are not mine,’ do they? Settling a file with equanimity and the absence of the slightest atikraman is all a discharge (nikaal) in worldly interaction. Atikraman should not occur; but if it does, then you have to do pratikraman. Then it counts as a discharging worldly interaction (nirjara of karma). The Doer of Atikraman Does Pratikraman After ‘we’ give Gnan, one begins to see all his own faults. Until then, he sees other’s faults and not his own. If he wants to, he will find a hundred faults in someone else. He will see only two or three of his most obvious ones but he will not be able to see his other faults. Now that Gnan has been nurtured and has grown into a good size plant, you will immediately begin to see all your faults. What do you see every day? Do you see your own faults or those of others?