Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts (Full Version) Pratikraman: The Key That Resolves All Conflicts | Page 172

[5] The Way of Akram Vignan 113 Dadashri: What is the intent behind asking for energy? First of all, the boy is asking for the energy to stop stealing. So firstly he has changed his opinion about stealing to, ‘It is wrong to steal. It is good not to steal.’ When he asks for this energy, he arrives at the opinion of ‘stealing is wrong.’ The greatest achievement is that his opinion has changed. From the moment his opinion changes, he ceases to be the offender. Secondly, because he is asking for energy from the Lord within, the absolute state of humility (param vinayata) arises within him. When he earnestly and sincerely says, ‘Oh Lord, grant me the energy to…,’ the Lord within will immediately give him the energy. The Lord has no choice. He will grant it to everyone. (But) One has to ask. That is why I am telling you, ‘Keep asking.’ You never ask for anythi